Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Fourth of July

Recently I visited Washington DC. The city is crazy busy, the traffic is confusing, and the place is expensive! Past almost hitting a bus while driving around with my sister, I realize that there is a certain amount of awe, and beauty to this wonderful city. Whether you are Republican or Democrat didn't matter to me when I got to stand on the grass not that far from the White House. I saw every cliche thing you can see in Washignton DC.

 It made me so proud to be an American to see some of the National Monuments I had seen pictures of and read about.Walking down the rows and rows of names listed at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was the most haunting experience ever. Complete silence consumes you when seeing the loss our country faced during this time. What I thought was so amazing about this memorial is that you could look up people in a directory in order to find them on the wall, and see if they were listed.

After our long day in the city viewing all of the extravagant buildings, monuments, and memorials we went to see the Holacaust museum. It was by far the most haunting thing I've ever been to. It taught me that we should respect all different people around us. 

Grace and I spent a wonderful few days with our cousin Sarah. We then hopped on over to Old Town Va. to visit my GBF from high school. Massive colonial home and cobblestone streets. Absolutely great! Loved all the boutiques. 

Back in Alabama where I got to celebrate the great USA I thought of those monuments of freedom, memorials, and I remembered all my family and friends and loved ones who are still serving today. 

Here are some beautiful pictures of DC and my fun weekend out in the country.

The Holocaust museum wall 

God bless the beautiful state of Alabama 
Selfie saturday in the pool(i had to) 

So in conclusion to my very long blog entry I would like to conclude that I am so very thankful for my long weekend that I spent with family or friends, because of the brave men and women that have sacrificed for this country.

Next on the blog: #musicmonday 

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