Saturday, June 7, 2014

Seemingly Simple Feature

Here's a little fact..

I love reading other blogs! Some of my favorites are J'sEverdayFashion, RealSimple Blog, multiple Tumblr blogs, and as of a few weeks ago Seeming Simple.

Seemingly Simple features design, food, life, photo, and style. What I like about the blog is that it is honest. They don't feature done up fashion entries, with masked on lipstick and mascara, they give you tips on how to still feel fashionable and functional. In the entry, 8 Style Tips for the Simple & Non-morning Girls, I added a few tips on how to get wrinkles out when I am trying to brush my teeth, and how to save time in the morning. Liz has definitely mastered the "carefree" look.

The design section is what I really like. I am not the biggest fan of graphic design, well just because I'm not. What I have learned as a PR student and future employee so far is that I will stand out with some graphic knowledge and it is basically essential, to know some design techniques. I have to be able to create simple things, and that is what the design section has done. In the entry Handy Design Sites, I was able to find a list of practical and basic websites to help me navigate a confusing(at least for me) topic. Thanks Kelly for your help:)

I took Intro to Photo in my Junior year and really enjoyed it. Though I don't take photo classes anymore, I still love taking pictures.  I have noticed (at least on my Facebook timeline) that everyone nowadays has a photo business or is an amateur photographer.
When I was in class, I definitely tried to not use Photoshop or Adobe anything. I feel like if you don't have to edit, don't. Sometimes it is needed though. In the entry, 6 Things to Remember While Taking Portraits, Taylor lists tips on what helps her create a beautiful image without taking away from the person she is working with.

Food. Everyone loves it.
I made stuffed peppers the other night. I used my mom's cookbook, and a little inspiration from Jessie's post Stuffed Green Peppers to make an incredibly yummy meal. Green peppers can be stuffed with anything, and I am trying to get my family to eat healthier. (Even dad loved the recipe! )

Home is where the heart is, I've always believed that. Andrea captured this in her entry Adventures Home, not only is she grateful for a wonderful Mother's Day spent with mom, she talks about her favorite burger joints, and capturing her road trips adventures.

I look forward to reading more posts by these lovely ladies! To read up on all of their posts head here-

Until Next Time,


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