Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So really it's supposed to be #MusicMonday, but I missed an entry yesterday. I will try to do a music post every week. For me music goes with everything. You can find music that fits your every mood, and every activity. My mom never understood why I was bad at math, but knew all the words to the songs on the radio!

Today is pretty icky out, it's going to rain all week, and I am having a marathon of Orange is the New Black. When I am not binge watching Neflix, I use Pandora while I answer emails, or scan through Polyvore.

I am currently listening to Citizen Cope radio. It's great for chill days, and there is a huge variety.

You know it ain't easy
For these thoughts here to leave me
No words to describe it
In French or in English
'Cause diamonds, they fade
And flowers, they bloom
And I'm tellin' you
I've always loved Santana and how much soul is put into the music. I also love the collaboration that Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20 did with him.
What are some of your favorite Pandora stations?
(photo courtesy: Flicker)

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